The Yugas, an ancient Hindu concept, are four distinct ages humanity / sentient beings go through in a repeating cycle. From the Golden Age of spiritual enlightenment and harmony to the Iron Age, marked by chaos and spiritual decline, each Yuga brings challenges and growth opportunities.
Understanding the significance of The Yugas can provide valuable insights into the nature of existence and the evolution of consciousness. By studying the characteristics and teachings associated with each age, we can better understand our place in the cosmic order and how we can navigate this space in our time to lead more purposeful and fulfilling lives that align with the cosmic rhythms of a higher order.
The Yugas/Ages are divided into four stages: Satya Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga (Silver Age), Dvapara Yuga (Bronze Age), and Kali Yuga (Iron Age).
Iron Age- Age of matter and fixed perspectives—passed (history)
Bronze Age- Age of technology and desire (Current)—flexibility, empathic expansion, inner power, more profound connection to one another (all sentience), quantum/science aligns with source energy, mass awakening around nonduality and the understanding there is nothing to fear, Earth is not alone. Observe feelings connected to thoughts that manifest incidents/interactions.
Silver Age- Wealth and decline in religious beliefs based in the 3rd dimension and linear thinking—trust in synchronicity and energy beyond form, unity beyond the personal, a complete rebirth, balance between masculine and feminine, deep connections to inner self.
Golden Age- Psychic oneness and collective connection to the higher self—inner peace, compassion, inner flow, ability to manipulate energy in connection to the whole. This Interconnectedness is interdimensional (co-existence of universes embedded into larger ones).
The Yugas can be read as moving up or moving down. However, the universe is not linear. It’s all happening simultaneously in the layers. The ages are a guide among the many to help support our awakening processes individually and collectively.
As awareness grows, the individual can align a golden age within to mirror its aspects outwardly.
The ability to process, set intentions, and let go of expectations with faith that everything works for us. As we move beyond the dual mind (right/left, black/white, right/wrong), we process past the charge of separateness into oneness.
We must see/feel the part through emotions to create the whole.
It’s all a mirror bringing us closer together. Universal love recognizes all hearts are equal. Source does not decipher form, it interacts with / is the vibration. Beyond the dual mind is a unified field of consciousness.
We liberate ourselves when we recognize human behavior as an act of love or a call for love.