Have you ever experienced moments in life where things seem to fall into place easily as if some unseen force is guiding you? This is overt synchronicity, a concept that suggests meaningful coincidences are not just random events but connect at deeper levels.
From serendipitous encounters to meaningful patterns in our experiences, synchronicity offers a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of all consciousness.
However, our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual states within the moment’s focus funnel through our perceptions/belief systems that often dilute how we relate to the psychic connections within the moment.
Nothing is out of the blue. It’s all energy. Energetic threads interweave, overlap, and link to align reflective experiences as All Life psychically and celestially connects.
You find yourself in the right place at the right time
Hearing repeated messages over and over again through different sources.
You dream about a friend or a situation, and a connection manifests in your direct physical reality.
Seeing a number repeatedly in connection with. . .
You notice symbols (organic or inorganic) that hold meaning for you in connection to thoughts and feelings.
Spontaneous encounters seem to answer the call of your layered conscious or unconscious intentions.
Information that you need comes to you.
What we put out, we will get back even if it appears separate and/or different. Nothing is random. There are no secrets kept from the universe.
Energetic forces collectively and individually align with the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional states to bring us experiences that support our expansion. However, unlike most humans, energetic forces are not logical, linear, or over-identified with the dualistic mind.
However, the brain is wired to follow patterns, to stick to what is familiar. So, old belief systems need to be challenged. Therefore, risk is a vital step in “personal evolution.”
Because the mind likes to play the sides, a practice that disengages in the stories of us vs. them is a way to move beyond the mindset of you and me. Then, we shift our perspective to we, the interwoven energy, which, within the moment, consistently sends us messages in various ways on our paths of awakening.
Who am I in the energy of this moment, this scene? What am I thinking? How am I feeling?
We are at a traffic stop. There are cars, stores, a homeless person on the corner, an ambulance speeding by, and a runner with their dog. This is aligned energy in a moment that appears separate but is only divided by the illusion of form.
The more we connect to the state of our inner well-being and observe the rational mind, unwrapped of identity with you and me, the more we will see the signs.
As we practice letting go of the sides, we will feel the invisible forces more. Trust in ourselves and our intuitive knowing will convert energy and allow alignment with inner flow, and life will embody more of what we want it to become.
You are in sync with this message today.