As I turn inward and process through the feelings in connection with experience, I am reminded that the reflections within every moment serve us all in divine order. There can be no lotus flower without the mud.
We can build bridges and welcome new norms to deepen unity as we shift perspective to align with the whole. Beyond the dual mind, awareness grows within a unified field of consciousness.
There is no joy without pain, no life without death, no yin without yang. The flower will grow again; it is all impermanence. One lives within the other, as life lives within the changing seasons.
Observing ourselves in comfortable and uncomfortable situations can help us gain a deeper understanding of how we relate mentally and emotionally within the (trance) moment because our gut and brain (thoughts, feelings, and emotions) are in constant communication.
A trance is just a focused state of attention, so for every moment of your life, you are in a trance (love, anger, anxiety, etc.). You are narrowing your attention as you read this, you may hear a noise. You are narrowing your attention to the noise. You may just be in a light trance, where your attention is shared between reading this and being aware of sitting still and of others. So trance depth isn’t something mysterious, it is just a term for how much attention you are giving something.
The field of Epigenetics explores how our genes can be influenced by external factors in connection to our focused states of attention such as belief systems.
“Dark Genome” is a term used in genetics in direct allusion to “Dark Matter” (over 85% of the universe). Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic force (interplay between electricity and magnetism). It does not reflect or emit light. However, it does have a gravitational effect on visible matter. Much like our thoughts, feelings, and emotions that create our unconscious and conscious intentions.
Dark Matter is space that has a pull, but cannot be pulled.
A genome contains all the information needed for a person to develop and grow. The Dark Genome represents the complete protein-coding region of Human DNA in almost every cell of the body. However, it is less than 3% of the entire genome.
So, could the invisible space play a part in how we shape our physical reality?
Our beliefs have a profound impact on our health, happiness, and overall well-being. Research has shown that our thoughts can directly influence our biology, affecting everything from our immune system to our stress levels. Digestion is not only what we physically consume. We digest energies within societal, familial, and personal norms that are often unconscious and/or conditioned within us. These belief systems and/or trance states shape our mind-made sense of self and influence how our DNA interacts with our environment.
We must sort through the mud to transform.
As we observe the mind-body state in relation to the specific qualities of thinking, feelings, emotions connected to beliefs, values and abilities we bring aspects of the unconscious into the light.
Allowing space to recognize “the trance states” can heal and upgrade how we shape our genetic destiny.